Getting Started With Native Seed

Using native seed in your landscape is a smart, economical option to create habitat for wildlife and increase biodiversity. However, if your not familiar with native plants, getting started can feel overwhelming. That's where we come in! Here are some steps and tips to help you get started and complete your project.

1. Think about what your objectives are. Are you trying to attract particular wildlife? How tall of a landscape do you prefer? Are there colors you prefer over others? Most people are flexible and have a broad objective of just trying to create habitat, but some have a more detailed objective. Taking a few minutes to think about it will help you as you move through the process.

2. Where do you want to create this habitat? Roughly pace off or calculate the dimensions of the area. We've had customers shrink their lawn with small plots of native grasses and wildflowers and some want to convert their flower beds to native plants. Thinking big? You're not alone. Some convert acres of property into native habitat. Knowing your area will aid you in defining your approach and determine how much seed you will need. We carry a variety of sizes in our native seed mixes all the way from 100 square feet to 1 acre!

3. Do you want to individual species of seed, a seed mix or plants? This kind of falls under #1, but it is important. There is nothing worse than doing everything correctly, having a site look how it should, but not liking the outcome. If you want a clean and defined look with instant gratification, plants may be best.

Sowing individual clusters of individual species or growing them out to transplant later is achievable, but keep in mind some species may establish faster than others and it will require maintenance to keep the species separated. Our native seeds are NOT genetically modified, so they will try and move around. Native Seed Mixes are are the simplest and least expensive approach. Although establishment times are between 2 and 3 growing seasons, they're structured so you're getting blooms during that time frame.

4. Choosing the right individual species or mix (or mixes!) is the next step. Sunlight, site hydrology (is it wet, dry, well-drained?) and height are the main factors in determining which of our seeds to select. We have Seed Mixes and Individual Species separated by these factors so you can easily find the best seeds for your site.

5. How Do I Plant These? At this point you know where, what and why. We've made the how as easy as possible with a free, printable guide on How To Plant Native Grass and Wildflower Seed. We walk you through different methods of preparing your site, how to install the seed and how to manage your seeding the first growing season and beyond.

At the end of the day, the main objective is to get the seed to the soil and let Mother Nature do her job. If your project needs additional assistance, we're here to help! Contact us with your questions here or chat with us via the icon on the right hand side of your screen.