Prairie On

Seeds or Plants...Choosing The Right Option For Your Native Plant Project

Seeds or Plants... Choosing the Right Option fo...

When adding natives to your landscape, the question as to whether to use seeds or plants can cross your mind and the same question often comes across our desks! While...

Seeds or Plants... Choosing the Right Option fo...

When adding natives to your landscape, the question as to whether to use seeds or plants can cross your mind and the same question often comes across our desks! While...

April Is Ohio Native Plant Month

April is Ohio Native Plant Month

It's almost that time of year again...Ohio Native Plant Month! Ohio was one of the first states in the country with a law designating an entire month to native plants...

April is Ohio Native Plant Month

It's almost that time of year again...Ohio Native Plant Month! Ohio was one of the first states in the country with a law designating an entire month to native plants...

Short Growing Native Wildflowers

Short Growing Native Wildflowers

When it comes to native wildflowers, it always seems like the tall ones get all the love. Short growing native wildflowers are stout, mighty and can not only enhance your...

Short Growing Native Wildflowers

When it comes to native wildflowers, it always seems like the tall ones get all the love. Short growing native wildflowers are stout, mighty and can not only enhance your...

End Of The First Growing Season

The End of the First Growing Season

The leaves are falling and it's time to put the cargo shorts in the closet. The growing season is coming to an end and I'm sure you have some questions...

The End of the First Growing Season

The leaves are falling and it's time to put the cargo shorts in the closet. The growing season is coming to an end and I'm sure you have some questions...

First Year Native Seedings

First Year Native Seedings: The Sequel

Alright folks...I'm sure you were waiting for the follow-up on first year seedings, so here we go! Below is a photo that shows the current growth of the plot. As...

First Year Native Seedings: The Sequel

Alright folks...I'm sure you were waiting for the follow-up on first year seedings, so here we go! Below is a photo that shows the current growth of the plot. As...

Example Of A First Year Native Seeding

First Year Native Seedings

This time of year, we get a lot of questions about how to manage areas that were planted the previous fall, winter or spring. All the tips given in this...

First Year Native Seedings

This time of year, we get a lot of questions about how to manage areas that were planted the previous fall, winter or spring. All the tips given in this...