Prairie Ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata) is a perennial wildflower species that typically blooms late summer into early fall. Reaching heights of 4 to 6 feet, it can be planted in soil conditions ranging from medium drained soils to wet soils. Will also grow well in clay soils.
This species is particularly attractive to bees and butterflies. Prairie Ironweed is an important late season pollinator plant and looks gorgeous against the yellow blooms of various goldenrod species. Needs at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight a day.
Prairie Ironweed can become aggressive in small gardens. Plant this in areas where it has room to grow.
How To Plant Prairie Ironweed:
Direct sow seeds into prepared soil in late fall once soil temps are below 50 degrees (usually mid to late November). Can also be planted in winter during natural freeze / thaw cycles and early spring. Plant shallow, no deeper than 1/8 - 1/4 inch deep and lightly rake to work seed in. Plant in full sun to partial shade. Usually reaches maturity 2 - 3 growing seasons after planted.
Seed Info
Seed Envelopes contain approximately 0.02 ounces of seed and cover about 5 to 10 square feet.
Product Details
Flower Color: Purple
Height: 4 to 6 Feet
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Soil Hydrology: Medium to Wet Soils
Bloom Time: August to October
Plant Type: Perennial
Stratification: Cold Moist (CM) 60 Days
Attracts: Bees, Butterflies and Humans
Host Plant: American Painted Lady
Product Code: VER05F